EuroLinux 9.2 avanza en el mercado de distribuciones basadas en RHEL
EuroLinux 9.2 avanza en el mercado de distribuciones basadas en RHEL

EuroLinux 9.2 is the latest version of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) derivative, which was released a few days ago. While each derivative has its own slightly adapted proposal, they all remain closely related to the base. EuroLinux 9.2 builds on the RHEL 9.2 release with its own tweaks, and is quickly gaining traction as one of the fastest and most comprehensive offerings among RHEL derivatives, alongside AlmaLinux.

EuroLinux 9.2, like AlmaLinux 9.2, includes updates for developer tools such as Python 3.11, Nginx 1.22, PostgreSQL 15, Rust v1.66, Go v1.19, LLVM v15, and more in its repositories. Furthermore, both offer compatibility with Red Hat system repositories and aim to collect all software stack updates.

The new release of EuroLinux is now offered in an "Open Core" model, available as either a subscription-based paid service or a free version that includes the same level of support for package updates. The subscription plan includes professional technical support, access to additional packages, and other benefits, much like other RHEL derivatives, including RHEL itself.

EuroLinux is proud to be the only RHEL derivative company that officially provides complete build trees and buildroots. This allows users to compile packages themselves with the same instructions, dependencies, and other information that has been used in package compilation for the distribution.

Finally, EuroLinux reminds users of the longevity of its current versions, as it is a veteran Polish distribution that has recently stepped out of its scope of activity. EuroLinux 9.2 will receive support until June 2032, EuroLinux 8.7 until June 2029, and EuroLinux 7.9 until July 2024.

For more information about EuroLinux 9.2, see the official release notes, or visit the download page to get the installation images.

eurolinux 9.2